
DNA of a Champion Live Virtual Learning Course

Our work and personal lives constantly demand more of us, in less time and with less resources. The DNA of a Champion is a live learning platform and community which provides simple, powerful insights and practices that will help any leader, manager, team or individual to improve their performance. Drawing on two decades of experience at the top of elite sport this programme is not based on theory but rather, Clive’s unrivalled experience of working with high performing individuals, teams and organisations in international sport and business.

If you are interested in booking this course for your team or organisation please contact

Course information

6 x 1 hour live classes

Featuring breakout rooms, polls, live chat and Q&A

Download DNA of a Champion


Course syllabus

Class 1 : TALENTED

Talent Alone is Not Enough

  • Take personal responsibility for your own learning.
  • Explain why ‘Talent Alone is Not Enough’
  • Recognise the difference between practice and ‘Deliberate Practice’

Class 2 : STUDENT

Sponge or Rock

  • Recognise the difference between a ‘Sponge’ and a ‘Rock’
  • Learn how to apply ‘Teachability’ to every aspect of your job
  • Practice ‘3D Learning’

Class 3 : WARRIOR

Thinking Correctly Under Pressure

  • Understand pressure and the T-CUP Theory
  • Why champions perform best when the pressure is at its greatest
  • Learn how to stop pressure turning into stress


A Winning Mindset

  • Recognise the importance of attitude
  • Discover how to build ‘Success from Setbacks’
  • Identify how to ‘Innovate through Inclusion’


Tackling Change

  • Demonstrate how to challenge orthodoxies
  • Apply ‘Change Thinking’ (lateral and vertical)
  • Examine the importance of ‘Critical Non-essentials’


Creating a Winning Culture

  • The importance of leadership in ‘Building a Winning Culture’
  • Bring your team’s culture to life through ‘Teamship’
  • Demonstrate the successful application of ‘Teamship’ in business
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